The Puzzle

It is our fate to choose, and we have already chosen our fate.

gradients of neon
3 min readNov 9, 2021
Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

Ok, so this is the problem. Right now, in this very moment I am typing this (for you; reading, obviously) in a world (or universe) where simultaneously infinite number of things are happening. I am, by doing this “take place” here, quite literally. I am an event. But the event “I”, is a unit of a larger event. Or, my doing in this moment is a organ of a larger body. Neither the body nor the organ is complete or meaningful without each other.

Here, this larger body is the collection of all the events that take place in this moment. Which is another way of describing the universe. Universe as an occasion (happening) is the collection of all what happens right now. I know, I might have been repeating this over and over again. But, Universe is not a location. it is an occasion. And there are no things. Everything is an event, and it all happens right now. And of course events take place. Location-ness of the universe is thus a symptom of this happening.

In this very moment, someone somewhere, facing an accident, committing a crime, committing suicide, having a birthday party, planning a murder, making love, laughing, crying, blaming or celebrating etc, and taking place in this universe, the event. And my writing as an event is a pixel of the image in where that the murder…



gradients of neon

I write nonsense from nowhere n_owhere no_where now_here